Christopher Haw
Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies
University of Scranton
[email protected]
2021-present: Founder and Director, University of Scranton Prison Education Program at Dallas State Correctional Institution.
2023-present: Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Scranton
2018-2023: Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Scranton
2017-2018: Adjunct Professor, Humanities and Theology, Westville Prison Education Initiative (program of University of Notre Dame and Holy Cross College).
2009-2012: Adjunct Professor, Religious Studies, Cabrini University.
2003- : Invited lecturer. See below.
2012-2013: Community Staff and Project Manager with Heart of Camden Redevelopment Agency, grant writing, overseeing housing development and renovation of historic firehall into community arts center in South Camden ($750k job).
2003-2005: Tutor, Phys Ed. Teacher, and Sports Coach. Sacred Heart School, Camden, NJ. Serving all K-8 levels.
2013-2018: University of Notre Dame, Kroc Center for International Studies, PhD, Theology and Peace Studies. Includes teacher assistantships and full course teaching.
2007-2009: Villanova University, M.A. summa cum laude, comprehensive exams passed “with distinction,” Theology and Religious Studies. Includes research assistantships.
1999-2003: Eastern University, B.A., magna cum laude, double major in Theology and Sociology.
Steve Pepe Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, 2017-2018.
Notebaert Fellowship (highest tier), University of Notre Dame, 2013-2019.
Excellence in Publishing Award (2012), Association of Catholic Publishers: “3rd Place: Biography” for From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart.
“Starred Review,” Publishers Weekly, Jesus for President, 2008.
“Books of the Year: Religion,” Jesus for President, Publisher’s Weekly, 255 (44), p. 24. Nov 2008.
“Top Ten Books of 2008,” Jesus for President, Relevant Magazine.
All-American Collegiate Scholar, United States Achievement Academy, 2003.
“Excellence in Applied Christian Ethics,” Eastern University, 2003.
For public service with Philadelphia homeless and public witness against war in Iraq.
“Barnabus Servant Leadership Award,” Eastern University, 2002.
Monotheism, Intolerance, and the Path to Pluralistic Politics (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart: Rekindling my Love for Catholicism (Indianapolis, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2012). (trans. Swedish)
Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw, Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, March 2008). (trans. German, Korean)
“Pluralism and Monotheism: On Apophatic Intolerance,” Modern Theology June (2024).
“How to Love the Awful: Building Peace and Finding Faith in our Rust Belt Apocalypse,” Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice (forthcoming 2023).
“Should We Take Sides?: Girard, Mouffe, et al on Graceful Divisiveness,” Studia z Teorii Wychowania (Studies in the Theory of Education); Edition: The Dialectic of Power, University of Warsaw. Editors Bogusław Milerski and Andrzej Wierciński. Sep 8, 2023. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0053.9076.
Killing Our Way Out of Violence: Engaging Wrangham’s The Goodness Paradox, Contagion 28 (2022): 63-99.
Agonistic Education: Conflict and Centered Pluralism in Catholic Higher Education, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 39.1 (2020): 37-64.
The Human Soul and Evolution: A Mimetic Perspective, The New Blackfriars, April 2019. [issue 102.1097 (2021): 41-74]
Human Evolution and the Victim Mechanism: Locating Girard’s Hominization Hypothesis through Literature Survey, Contagion 24 (2017): 191-226.
“On Fatherhood and Carpentry,” in McGrath, Mickey, Go to Joseph (Franklin Park, IL: World Library Publications, 2013).
“Banned Questions About Jesus, with Chris Haw,” in Christian Piatt (ed), Banned Questions About the Bible (Atlanta, GA: Chalice Press, 2012).
“End Prayers,” in Okoru, Enuma, Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2010).
Commentary on Brian Robinette’s The Difference Nothing Makes, The Bulletin for the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Spring 2024.
Review of Richard Wrangham’s The Goodness Paradox, The Bulletin for the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Fall 2020.
“How to Be Intolerant: Beyond Simplistic Liberalism,” Cambridge University Press Blog: Fifteen Eighty Four (, May 12, 2021.
“A Healthy Media Diet,” University of Scranton’s Christians for the Common Good, Issue 1, Sept 14, 2018.
“Vatican Nuclear Disarmament,” The Observer (paper and online), Nov 23, 2017:
“A Ritual of Sincerity: A Response to ‘Worship at Willow Creek’,” America Magazine, Feb 6th, 2014, online article (
“Lament and Hope, Grief and Expectation,” Tokens: Theology, Music, Books, Stories, online article, (Dec 10th, 2013).
“Papa Ratzi’s Rare Resignation: Pope Bows Out, First Time Since Middle Ages,” Red Letter Christians Blogsite, (Feb, 2013).
“Giving Thanks for the Saints,” Patheos Book-Club, Nov, 2012.
“Church as Brand,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, April/May 2011).
“Tourism, The Exotic, and Stability,” Conspire! Magazine, 5 (Philadelphia, PA: The Simple Way, Spring, 2010).
“The Numbers Game,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, Spring 2010).
“Its not Business, Its Personal,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, Winter 2009/2010).
“Just a Phone?,” Relevant Magazine (Relevant Media Group, July/August 2009 print edition).
“The Christian and the iPhone: A Primer for Black Friday,” Mars Hill Graduate School’s The Other Journal, Nov 27th, 2008.
“The Relevance of our Irrelevance” in Fermi Shorts (June 2008)
“On Not Changing the Course of History,” The Enclave Journal (Feb. 2005).
“In Search of True Nonviolence: On My Civil Disobedience Arrest,” through 3 publications, The Enclave Journal, Evangelicals for Social Action and PRISM’s E-pistle, and Workplace Spirituality website ( 2004).
“Where We Find Hope in Prison Education,” The Annual Meeting of the AJCU (Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities), Loyola University, Chicago, July 16-19, 2024.
“Nothing Matters: Engaging Robinette’s The Difference Nothing Makes,” American Academy of Religion, 2023, San Antonio, COVR session.
“Beyond Mere Inclusion: Girard and Mouffe on Social Paradox,” University of Bialystok (Poland), at the conference Authority, Power, and Violence, online/Zoom, April 20, 2023.
Radical Ambivalence Regarding Conflict and Peace in René Girard’s Mimetic Theory, at Blessed are the Peacemakers: A Conference on the Virtue of Peace, hosted by the DB Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership at Viterbo University, WI, April 13-14, 2023.
The Capitol Riot as a Case in Mimetic Magnetism and the Challenge of Loving Amidst Division. The Colloquium on Violence and Religion section, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, Nov 20-23, 2022.
Dismal Science and the Bread of Life: On the Unnatural Enchantments of Mammon’s Modern Growth, Catholic Theological Society of America, Historical Theology session, June 11-13, 2021 (originally, 2020, with covid19 delay).
Plenary address, “Agonistic Education,” University of Scranton Conference: “Sacrificing Education: Considering the Crisis of Catholic Higher Education After René Girard,” March 28, 2019.
Mouffe’s Agonistic Pluralism and Monotheistic Intolerance: Apophasis and Can’t We Just Argue?, The Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Nov 7-10, 2019.
Monotheism, Pluralism, and Apophatic Intolerance, Brown University Graduate Conference, March 16-17, 2018.
Girard at the Intersection of Analogy and Dialectic, The American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 19, 2017.
Respondent to Eileen Hunt Botting’s lecture, “Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and the Rights of Genetically Modified Children,” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Feb 17, 2017.
Beyond Vattimo’s Christian Atheism and Girard’s Christianity-as-Religion-Destroyer: Toward the Axial Age and a Broader Theoclasm. Joint Conference Between the University of Chicago Divinity School and University of Notre Dame Theology Departments, Theology, Ethics, and the Death of God, at the University of Chicago, October 2016.
Human evolution and the single victim mechanism: Locating Girard’s Hominization Hypothesis through Literature Survey. The One By Whom Scandal Comes: Critically Engaging the Girardian Corpus, Colloquium on Violence and Religion, St. Louis University, July 2015.
Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands, The European Forum on Religion and the Environment, Conference: “Religion in the Anthropocene,” Munich, Germany, May 2015.
Three Films as Violence Exegetes, The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Freising, Germany, July 2014.
Why I Think Protestantism Still Has a Public Future: A commentary on Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, American Sociological Association Meeting, Eastern University, Spring 2001.
Panelist: On Prison Education, Consortium on Catholic Higher Education in Prison and Jesuit Prison Education Network, University of Notre Dame, Oct 21, 2024.
4 part Lecture Series, “Journeying with Jesus,” IHM Sisters, Marywood University campus, Summer 2024.
Panelist, “Catholic Perspectives on Politics and Economics,” University of Scranton, Professor Matthew Meier, SJLA class; Feb 25th, 2019.
Why Love the Awful: on Catholicism, Camden, and Crisis; Windows on the World campus lecture series; Eastern University; Feb 15th, 2019.
Panelist w/ Professor of Political Science, Dr. Michael Desch, “The Pope and the Bomb,” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Dec 5th, 2017.
“Rust Belt Apocalypse and the Eucharist,” The Annual Cardinal Newman Lecture, Loyola University Chicago, March 23rd, 2017.
Respondent to Andrew McKenna’s “René Girard, Moral Injury, and Literary Knowledge,” at Loyola University’s Catholic Minds, Catholic Matters Lecture Series, Tues Nov 15th, 2016.
Lecture at Dr. William Cavanaugh’s classes, “Intro to Catholicism,” regarding their use of my book, DePaul University, May 2015.
“On loving a ruined city and a messy church,” Windows on the World Campus Lecture Series, Eastern University, PA. November, 2014.
Lecture at Dr. William Cavanaugh’s classes, “Intro to Catholicism,” regarding their use of my book, DePaul University, April 2014.
Campus-wide lecture on my book From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart, and my journey into Catholicism, Eastern University, Dec 4th, 2012.
The Intersection of Faith and Politics, Veritas Forum, University of New Hampshire, Oct 25th, 2012.
Four DePaul University Lectures organized by Dr. William Cavanaugh and Catholic Studies Department (including his “Intro to Catholicism” class, with my book [2012] assigned), Oct 9-11, 2012.
Plenary Lecture, “(C/c)atholicity and Empire” at Occupy Empire Conference: Anabaptism in God’s Mission, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, April 2012.
Two Plenary Lectures and two workshops, respectively, “Lessons of Faith from Camden,” “The Relevance of Irrelevance,” and “Practicing Resurrection amid Fake Resurrection and Devastation” (2), at World Mission Initiative Conference: “A Relevant Church in a Changing World,” Pittsburg Theological Seminary, March 2012.
“Bullets, Bad Theology, and Half-Decent Alternatives,” Renew and Remind Conference, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK, Jan 2012.
“Sustainable Community Development,” Week-long course, Creation Care Study Program, Belize, December 2011.
On the Ecological Destruction of Camden and a New-Monastic Response, “Lessons for servant leadership,” Chapel address and classes, McMurray University, TX, April 19th, 2011.
Convocation speech, Bluffton University, “On Gaining and Losing One’s Life: Lessons of Faith from America’s Most Dangerous City,” Aug 31, 2010.
Plenary lecture at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Symposium on environmental action and living in Camden, Oct 22nd, 2009.
Lecture on urban decay, environmental racism, life in Camden, “charity,” and justice, delivered to all freshman Eastern University students, Sept 2009.
Lecture at Villanova Ethics Department Lectures, “Ethics for Lunch,” “Excommunication and Violence,” April, 22nd, 2009.
Lectures at Dr. Mark Graham’s two “Catholic Ethics” courses, Villanova University, in relation to their study of my book, April 1, 2009.
Co-Lecture with Shane Claiborne, On Christian Nonviolence, at The Veritas Forum, Harvard University Feb. 21st, 2009.
The Basic Ethics and Identity Latent in Christian Nonviolence, Neumann University, PA, Introduction to Ethics Course of Professor Mark Westmoreland, April 28th, 2009.
Lectures on “Various foundations of Christian ethical deliberation,” at Dr. Christopher Roberts’ Villanova Catholic Ethics classes, in relation to their study of my book, Feb. 2, 2009.
Two Lectures, “Renewing Our Minds: The Environmental Crisis is a Cultural Crisis”, Virginia Wesleyan University, Nov 11th, 2008.
Lecture delivered for the class of Dr. Gustavo Benavides, Villanova University History of Christianity Course, “Brief History of Ecclesial Renewal Movements,” Nov 4th, 2008.
Two lectures for the classes of Dr. Mark Doorley, Villanova Ethics Department Chair, “Foundations of Christians Ethics: Yoderian Insights,” in relation to their study of my book, Oct 30th, 2008.
Plenary Lecture on “Creation Theology,” Renewal Environmental Summit, Eastern University, Oct 17th, 2008.
Lectured on Christian Social Ethics at three undergraduate ethics classes for Dr. Christopher Roberts, Ethics department, Villanova University, Fall 2008.
Gordon College Symposium on “Radical Discipleship,” with Shane Claiborne, April 2004.
Research reading facility in German, French, Latin, and Spanish.
Invited Observer, Vatican Dicastery on Integral Human Development, “Perspectives Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and Integral Human Development,” Vatican City, Rome, Nov 10-11, 2017
Responsibilities and Ethics in the Conduct of Research Training (“RCR & Ethics,” at Notre Dame University, 2014).
Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Training (2005), Camden Diocese, NJ.
“Faith and Political Theory: War, Peace, and Allegiance,” Waymart State Correctional Institution, Oct 28, 2024.
“Faith and Politics,” Diocese of Scranton Event, Theology on Tap, Sabatini’s Taphouse, Oct 10, 2024.
5 part Lecture Series, “Lent: an Introduction to Jesus,” St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish, South Scranton, Spring 2024.
Speaking the Unspeakable: On Negative, Apophatic Theology, Public lecture at State Correctional Institution, Waymart, PA, Aug 14, 2023.
Religion and Human Evolution: Two Theories, Public lectures at State Correctional Institution, Waymart, PA, Nov 17 and Dec 19, 2022.
Convener and panelist (with Provost Jeff Gingerich, Dr. Christie Karpiak, and Darryl Byer-Robinson, alum of the Bard Prison Initiative), “The University of Scranton Prison Education Program,” Moskovitz Theatre, April 20th, 2022.
Jesus for President Advent book study, 4 Synchronous Zoom and Facebook Live events, average 4,000 viewers. Nov-Dec, 2020.
Panelist, Catholics for Biden Northeast PA, public event, October 27, 2020.
Manresa Retreat Plenary Address, University of Scranton Student Retreat, Chapman Lake Retreat Center, Nov 18th, 2018.
Veterans Day Respondent, University of Scranton Veterans Day Luncheon, Nov 9th, 2018, DeNaples Hall, 407.
“Living Faith with Justice,” Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Diego, CA, A Faith that Does Justice Parish Group, Mar 7th, 2017.
Lecture on “Togetherness in a Time of Division,” Adult education forum at First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, IN. Feb 26th, 2017.
Lecture on, “Scapegoating, Our National Climate, and Spirituality,” at the Near Northwest Neighborhood and the Local Cup public venue, Feb 19th, 2017.
Lecture regarding Earth Day 2016. Adult education forum at First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, IN. April 24th, 2016.
Keynote address, “Abraham and Sarah: Living Beyond Borders and Identities,” Pax Christi, NJ Assembly: A Future Covenant: Justice and Spirituality Convocation, Shrine of St. Joseph, Stirling, NJ, April 23rd, 2016.
Lecture at the Vorarlberg Diocese Center, Vorarlberg, Austria, on Neo-Monasticism in Camden, NJ. May 17th, 2015.
“Adventures in Loving a Tumultuous Church” (two lectures on my book), Sacred Heart Parish, San Diego, CA, May 17-18, 2013.
Lecture on New Monasticism for the retreat: “Entering the Transforming Future: Workshop/Retreat for Religious in the Anglican Tradition,” at Convent of St. John Baptist in Mendham, NJ, Nov 29th, 2012.
“Catholicism: A Critical Engagement,” An Alternative Seminary (Philadelphia) Five Session Course, Oct/Nov, 2012.
Public Midrash at The Simple Way, “To Vote or Not to Vote: On Theology and Political Engagement,” Nov 1st, 2012.
Romero Center, Camden, NJ, Urban Challenge Speaker: “On Cultivating Hope in Camden”. July, 2012.
Plenary Lecture, “Positive Mimesis, Camden, and Catholicism: How Girard Has Helped Tie Together My Experiments in New Monasticism” (or, “Christian Community Among Cultural Chaos”), Theology and Peace Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2012.
Plenary Lecture, North American Episcopal Deans Conference, Denver, CO, April 2012.
“A Girardian Interpretation of the Mass,” Clarification of Ideas at Romero Center, Camden, NJ. Feb, 2012.
Alternative Seminary Course, Philadelphia: “Things Hidden since the foundation of the world: New Perspectives on Jesus’ Crucifixion, Apocalypse, and Anthropology.” 5 sessions, Fall 2011.
On Expanding One’s Self (into Camden), St. Paul’s School of Theology, Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, Historic St. George’s Methodist Church, June 6th, 2011.
The Anthropology of Easter: a Girardian interpretation of the Easter events. The Simple Way open mid-rash sessions. 2 weeks, April 2011.
On New Monasticism and community life in Camden, NJ, Fund For Theological Education Panel Discussion, Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 13th, 2010.
On the Ecological Destruction of Camden and a New-Monastic Response, Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, St. George’s Methodist Church, June 2010.
Led a weekend retreat at Ezekiel’s Place retreat center (WV), three of four main sessions: Biblical Foundations For Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands; On Gaining and Losing One’s Life in Camden. Weekend forum titled “Simply Following Jesus Toward Community,” (May 2010).
Lecture for students studying my Jesus for President, at Cabrini College’s “Catholic Social Theory” course taught by Dr. Nicholas Rademacher, Mar 30, 2010.
Plenary lecture, “Identifying the Roots of our Crises and Acting to Serve,” Vincentian Volunteers Annual Conference, Denver, CO, Mar 2010.
Two plenary lectures, “Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands” and “Ceasing and Continuing the Reformation, While Carrying on with the Sacred Work of Life,” at the Peace by Piece Conference (Searcy, AR), Feb 2010.
Spoke with Shane Claiborne at the Washington, DC Catholic Worker, “Clarification of Ideas,” on the politics of Christianity, December 4th,, 2009.
School for Conversion, Camden, NJ (hosted by my community, delivered two sessions on community life and Christian lifestyle habits), Nov 2009.
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Giessan, Germany; Basel, Switzerland: European book tour in conjunction with the German translation of JFP. Delivered several talks at each location.
Breakoff Session, “Theology of Eco-Justice,” at the Pax Christi Fall Gathering: “Renewing the Face of the Earth” at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ, Oct 25, 2009.
“Spirituality and the Economy; Dismal Science and the Bread of Life,” Plenary lecture at the Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat, Camden, NJ, Oct 17th, 2009.
Two plenary talks at the UMC Youth Conference Council “The Big Event,” in Wayne, PA –on four major parts of discipleship to Jesus, Oct 3, 2009.
“Why I Moved to Camden and Live the Way I Do,” Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, St. George’s Methodist Church, June 9th, 2009.
Lecture on “Ecclesiology and Economics,” Maidencreek Church’s (Kutztown, PA) Theology on Tap, May 12, 2009.
Plenary lecture at “Baltimore Green Week,” Hosted by the Episcopalian Diocese of Baltimore at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, April 25th, 2009.
Address to plenary assembly at the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, Villanova, PA, “On the Love of Enemies and Holy Week,” April 6th, 2009.
Lecture on “Dismal Science and the Bread of Life: Theological Reflections on ‘Our Way of Life’,” Manayunk’s Theology on Tap, Mar 26, 2009.
Plenary Talk at The Original Event conference, hosted by Mission Year, Houston TX, March 20th, 2009.
Lecture on Creation Theology at The Adult Forum, Christ Episcopalian Church, Media, PA, Nov 17th, 2008.
Villanova Falvey Library Lecture Series, “Politics of Radical Christianity: Jesus for President Presentation,” with Shane Claiborne and Psalters Musicians (Oct, 29th, 2008).
Plenary Lecture “On the Christian Political Imagination,” at Regional Presbyterian Gathering, hosted by Church on the Mall, Plymouth Meeting, PA, Oct. 28th, 2008.
Plenary Talk, Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat, “On Being a Christian Man Today” October 18th, 2008.
Led a Day Retreat for St. Anthony of Padua Parish Council, “On Ecclesiology for Camden,” Aug 9, 2008.
21 city speaking tour, “Jesus for President,” (also w/ Shane Claiborne and musicians Psalters), Summer 2008.
Alternative Seminary Philadelphia, Taught Four Week Course, on the Content of Jesus for President, with Shane Claiborne (Will O’Brien as seminary coordinator), May 2008.
“Identity and Violence,” Seminar Lecture, Sacred Heart Annual Peace Conference, Feb. 2008.
Plenary Address, Panel Discussion and Break Off Session: “Practicing Resurrection (and Sociological Consciousness and Judeo-Christian identity) in Urban Wastelands,” Sustainable Faith: Emergent conference Feb. 2008.
Cynicism and Hope conference: Reclaiming Discipleship in a Postdemocratic Society, Reba Place Mennonite Fellowship, Chicago, IL. Seminar on the lessons to learn from mistakes in community living, Nov 2007.
St. Stephens Episcopal Church, Richmond, VA. Rector’s Forum and Young Adults Forum. Taught on New Monasticism and Christian History, October 2007.
Intervarsity Philadelphia “Gateway”. Lectured with Cassie (my wife), on the ecological and ethical dilemmas in a complex world, July 2007.
Bread for the World: Sowing Seeds Growing a Movement. “Be the Change You Want to See” dinner lecture. And “Living Justice in the Day to Day” lecture. Washington, DC, June 2007.
Mission Year City Wide Gathering. “Jesus for President” Lecture on the Christian Political Imagination, with Shane Claiborne, June 2007.
New Monasticism School for Conversion. Various sessions. Camden Houses, Simple Way, May 2007.
“Practicing Resurrection in Industrial Wastelands,” Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) Annual Gathering. Break-off Session Lecture. Philadelphia September 2006.
New Monasticism Gathering. Spoke with Cassie on the tenants of the Camden House and how it relates to New Monastic principles. Hosted by Mustard Seed Associates and Fremont Abbey in Seattle, WA (April 2006).
Seattle Pacific University College Alternative Chapel “Group.” Spoke on some basic connections of ecology and Christianity through my story with Camden, April 2006.
Urban Renaissance Conference (Nazarene), Philadelphia. Emerging Urban Ministries. Panel Discussion with Brian Postlewait (April 2006).
“Urban Youth Workers Institute: Reload,” Philadelphia. Seminar with Shane Claiborne, March 2006.
National Pastors Convention, Seminar Lectures on Ecclesiology and Politics, with Shane Claiborne, San Diego, CA, February 2006.
Community Action and New Monasticism, Upper Room Church Gathering, Minneapolis, MN, with Shane Claiborne, January 2006.
Intervarsity Gathering, Northwestern University, Chicago, Lectures with Shane Claiborne, October 2005.
CCDA Atlanta, Seminar with Shane Claiborne on “Jesus is my President,” October 2004.
Urban Promise Work Groups, Seven Theological Exercise Sessions, Summer 2004.
Break-off session, “The Green Gospel,” Seventh-Day Adventist Conference “Re: Church” on Social Justice, July 2004.
New Monasticism Panel on Ecological Challenges for the Church today, with Steven Bouma-Prediger, Norman Wirzba, and Sherrie Steiner. Spoke on New, economic consumption- and market-ethic, June 2004.
City Lights Church in Manhattan, Sermon on ecological ethics and stewardship, June 2004.
Ethics in the face of Domitian. Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, St. Peter Celestine Catholic Church, May 2004, 2005.
“Ecology and the Life of the Church,” break off session. Emergent Convention, San Diego, March 2004.
Urban Promise Intern Training: The Church as a new Body-politic, December 2003.
Prayer Around the Cross: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, September 2003.
Sermon on earth-affirming eschatology, West Philadelphia Mennonite Church, May, 2003.
Panelist, Eastern University Panel Debate on the War on Iraq: Four students on the panel (2 pro-war, 2 con). I took con side with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, May 2003.
“Homily on Hebrews 13:3: on compassion and poverty,” Chapel Service at Eastern University, October 2002
The sacred pathway of simplicity, Christ’s Church Wrigleyville Chicago, July 2002.
Interview with Tim Whitaker on the Coffee, Theology, and Jesus podcast, Nov 25, 2020.
“Mimetic Insights with Chris Haw,” a produced set of interviews with the Raven Foundation, Summer 2020,
Rescued firehouse breathes life into Camden arts, June 14, 2016.
Cited in: Budde, Michael, Borders of Baptism: Identities, Allegiance, and the Church (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011), p. 105.
Cited in: Samson, Will, "The New Monasticism" in, Brian Steensland, Philip Goff, ed. The New Evangelical Social Engagement (Oxford University Press, 2014), p. 97.
Cited in: Jones, Toby, The Way of Jesus: Re-Forming Spiritual Communities in a Post-Church Age (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2010), p 103, passim.
“Die Kir(s)che auf dem Eisbecher?,” in Voralberger KirchenBlatt, Mar 21, 2015. Coverage on my book presentation before Church leaders at the diocese of Voralberg, Austria.
“The New Young Catholics.” Braune, Joan (March 23, 2015) America 212 (10). p. 36.
“On the ground: an Arts Oasis Blooms in Waterfront South,” interview with Tara Nurin, July 16th, 2013.
America Magazine, Podcast Interview, Feb 11, 2013,
CatholicTV, “This is the Day” show, Jan 18th, 2013.
“Why We Eat Together,” An Interview with Work of the People Media: A Project of The Awakening of Hope (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012) by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
Radio Interview with the Raven Foundation, regarding a Girardian interpretation of my book. Dec 13th, 2012.
In studio interview with “Red Letter Christian” television show, Nashville, with Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, Nov 29th, 2012.
Chicago Tribune print edition, Printer’s Row Journal section, Interview, Nov 27th, 2012. Brachear, Manya A. (November 24, 2012). "A Catholic Homecoming: Chris Haw Explores His Journey from Evangelicalism Back to Catholicism."
Live video interview with, Nov 19th, 2012.
Radio interview with Radio Maria, Oct 2012.
Radio interview with XM Radio, Catholic Station: Busted Halo, Oct 19th, 2012.
Radio interview about Jesus for President on WMUX, Bob Dutko Show, April 27th, 2012.
Radio interview about Jesus for President on WDCX, LifeLine Radio, March 20th, 2012.
Interview featured in National Catholic Reporter, “A Place for Renegades,” Tom Roberts (Dec 22, 2009)
A Conversation with Father Michael Doyle, National Catholic Reporter, Dec 8, 2009.
Interview featured in Catholic Star Herald (Philadelphia/South Jersey) (Feb. 13th, 2009).
Featured in Relevant Magazine, cover article, interviewed by Adam Smith, Cover: “How to Vote without Losing your Soul”; Article: “In the Booth, Not of the Booth” (Sept 2008).
Cited in: Rogers, Robin and Peter Heltzel, “The New Evangelical Politics,” Society, 2008, Vol.45(5), pp.412-414.
Featured in documentary The Ordinary Radicals, Directed by Jamie Moffett (Fall 2008).
Interviewed by Dr. Lee Camp, with Shane Claiborne on “Tokens”, a series on the Politics of Jesus. ( (September 2008).
Interviewed live on “Christian Premiere Radio” (UK) and with CNN (“Young Evangelicals…”), Al Jazeera, CBS, FOX News, Atlanta Daily Journal (Spring/Summer 2008).
Following Jesus for President release: Sojourners book review by Cara Boekolo (March/April 2008), U.S. Catholic, Interviewed for Leadership Magazine, Charisma magazine, Dayton Daily News, The Huffington Post, Open House (Australian Radio Show by Sheridan Voysey), Out of Ur (Books and Culture reviewer). My book is regarded as idiotic by Christopher Hitchens at Slate Magazine, consider it a compliment, Named “book of the year” by Tony Campolo.
Josh Anderson, “Circus for Christ: the ‘New Monastics’ Look for Ways to Be in the World and Not of It,” Sojourners, Jan 2007.
Rob Moll, “The New Monasticism,” Christianity Today, August 2004 print; Sept 2, 2005 online.
Catechist, Lector, and Eucharistic Minister at St. John Neumann parish, Scranton, PA (2019-present)
Lead volunteer carpenter for the community-lead, pay-what-you-can café, The Local Cup in South Bend’s Near Northwest Neighborhood, building a reclaimed wood coffee shop (Summer 2015).
Center for Youth and Family Services New Jersey, STEP Program Mentor and job training for incarcerated or endangered youth (Spring 2012-Summer 2013).
Sacred Heart Camden, NJ, Parish RCIA catechist (2011-2013)
Sacred Heart Camden Parish Confirmation Instructor (2010-2012).
Altar acolyte (2009) and Lector (2012), Sacred Heart Camden.
Co-lead campus-wide movement to make Eastern University the first Christian University to convert to 100% wind energy consumption (2002).
Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies
University of Scranton
[email protected]
2021-present: Founder and Director, University of Scranton Prison Education Program at Dallas State Correctional Institution.
2023-present: Associate Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Scranton
2018-2023: Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Scranton
2017-2018: Adjunct Professor, Humanities and Theology, Westville Prison Education Initiative (program of University of Notre Dame and Holy Cross College).
2009-2012: Adjunct Professor, Religious Studies, Cabrini University.
2003- : Invited lecturer. See below.
2012-2013: Community Staff and Project Manager with Heart of Camden Redevelopment Agency, grant writing, overseeing housing development and renovation of historic firehall into community arts center in South Camden ($750k job).
2003-2005: Tutor, Phys Ed. Teacher, and Sports Coach. Sacred Heart School, Camden, NJ. Serving all K-8 levels.
2013-2018: University of Notre Dame, Kroc Center for International Studies, PhD, Theology and Peace Studies. Includes teacher assistantships and full course teaching.
2007-2009: Villanova University, M.A. summa cum laude, comprehensive exams passed “with distinction,” Theology and Religious Studies. Includes research assistantships.
1999-2003: Eastern University, B.A., magna cum laude, double major in Theology and Sociology.
Steve Pepe Fellowship, University of Notre Dame, 2017-2018.
Notebaert Fellowship (highest tier), University of Notre Dame, 2013-2019.
Excellence in Publishing Award (2012), Association of Catholic Publishers: “3rd Place: Biography” for From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart.
“Starred Review,” Publishers Weekly, Jesus for President, 2008.
“Books of the Year: Religion,” Jesus for President, Publisher’s Weekly, 255 (44), p. 24. Nov 2008.
“Top Ten Books of 2008,” Jesus for President, Relevant Magazine.
All-American Collegiate Scholar, United States Achievement Academy, 2003.
“Excellence in Applied Christian Ethics,” Eastern University, 2003.
For public service with Philadelphia homeless and public witness against war in Iraq.
“Barnabus Servant Leadership Award,” Eastern University, 2002.
Monotheism, Intolerance, and the Path to Pluralistic Politics (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021).
From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart: Rekindling my Love for Catholicism (Indianapolis, IN: Ave Maria Press, 2012). (trans. Swedish)
Shane Claiborne and Chris Haw, Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, March 2008). (trans. German, Korean)
“Pluralism and Monotheism: On Apophatic Intolerance,” Modern Theology June (2024).
“How to Love the Awful: Building Peace and Finding Faith in our Rust Belt Apocalypse,” Praxis: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Faith and Justice (forthcoming 2023).
“Should We Take Sides?: Girard, Mouffe, et al on Graceful Divisiveness,” Studia z Teorii Wychowania (Studies in the Theory of Education); Edition: The Dialectic of Power, University of Warsaw. Editors Bogusław Milerski and Andrzej Wierciński. Sep 8, 2023. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0053.9076.
Killing Our Way Out of Violence: Engaging Wrangham’s The Goodness Paradox, Contagion 28 (2022): 63-99.
Agonistic Education: Conflict and Centered Pluralism in Catholic Higher Education, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, 39.1 (2020): 37-64.
The Human Soul and Evolution: A Mimetic Perspective, The New Blackfriars, April 2019. [issue 102.1097 (2021): 41-74]
Human Evolution and the Victim Mechanism: Locating Girard’s Hominization Hypothesis through Literature Survey, Contagion 24 (2017): 191-226.
“On Fatherhood and Carpentry,” in McGrath, Mickey, Go to Joseph (Franklin Park, IL: World Library Publications, 2013).
“Banned Questions About Jesus, with Chris Haw,” in Christian Piatt (ed), Banned Questions About the Bible (Atlanta, GA: Chalice Press, 2012).
“End Prayers,” in Okoru, Enuma, Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2010).
Commentary on Brian Robinette’s The Difference Nothing Makes, The Bulletin for the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Spring 2024.
Review of Richard Wrangham’s The Goodness Paradox, The Bulletin for the Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Fall 2020.
“How to Be Intolerant: Beyond Simplistic Liberalism,” Cambridge University Press Blog: Fifteen Eighty Four (, May 12, 2021.
“A Healthy Media Diet,” University of Scranton’s Christians for the Common Good, Issue 1, Sept 14, 2018.
“Vatican Nuclear Disarmament,” The Observer (paper and online), Nov 23, 2017:
“A Ritual of Sincerity: A Response to ‘Worship at Willow Creek’,” America Magazine, Feb 6th, 2014, online article (
“Lament and Hope, Grief and Expectation,” Tokens: Theology, Music, Books, Stories, online article, (Dec 10th, 2013).
“Papa Ratzi’s Rare Resignation: Pope Bows Out, First Time Since Middle Ages,” Red Letter Christians Blogsite, (Feb, 2013).
“Giving Thanks for the Saints,” Patheos Book-Club, Nov, 2012.
“Church as Brand,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, April/May 2011).
“Tourism, The Exotic, and Stability,” Conspire! Magazine, 5 (Philadelphia, PA: The Simple Way, Spring, 2010).
“The Numbers Game,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, Spring 2010).
“Its not Business, Its Personal,” Neue Quarterly Magazine (Relevant Media Group, Winter 2009/2010).
“Just a Phone?,” Relevant Magazine (Relevant Media Group, July/August 2009 print edition).
“The Christian and the iPhone: A Primer for Black Friday,” Mars Hill Graduate School’s The Other Journal, Nov 27th, 2008.
“The Relevance of our Irrelevance” in Fermi Shorts (June 2008)
“On Not Changing the Course of History,” The Enclave Journal (Feb. 2005).
“In Search of True Nonviolence: On My Civil Disobedience Arrest,” through 3 publications, The Enclave Journal, Evangelicals for Social Action and PRISM’s E-pistle, and Workplace Spirituality website ( 2004).
“Where We Find Hope in Prison Education,” The Annual Meeting of the AJCU (Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities), Loyola University, Chicago, July 16-19, 2024.
“Nothing Matters: Engaging Robinette’s The Difference Nothing Makes,” American Academy of Religion, 2023, San Antonio, COVR session.
“Beyond Mere Inclusion: Girard and Mouffe on Social Paradox,” University of Bialystok (Poland), at the conference Authority, Power, and Violence, online/Zoom, April 20, 2023.
Radical Ambivalence Regarding Conflict and Peace in René Girard’s Mimetic Theory, at Blessed are the Peacemakers: A Conference on the Virtue of Peace, hosted by the DB Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership at Viterbo University, WI, April 13-14, 2023.
The Capitol Riot as a Case in Mimetic Magnetism and the Challenge of Loving Amidst Division. The Colloquium on Violence and Religion section, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, Nov 20-23, 2022.
Dismal Science and the Bread of Life: On the Unnatural Enchantments of Mammon’s Modern Growth, Catholic Theological Society of America, Historical Theology session, June 11-13, 2021 (originally, 2020, with covid19 delay).
Plenary address, “Agonistic Education,” University of Scranton Conference: “Sacrificing Education: Considering the Crisis of Catholic Higher Education After René Girard,” March 28, 2019.
Mouffe’s Agonistic Pluralism and Monotheistic Intolerance: Apophasis and Can’t We Just Argue?, The Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame, Nov 7-10, 2019.
Monotheism, Pluralism, and Apophatic Intolerance, Brown University Graduate Conference, March 16-17, 2018.
Girard at the Intersection of Analogy and Dialectic, The American Academy of Religion, Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, Nov 19, 2017.
Respondent to Eileen Hunt Botting’s lecture, “Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein and the Rights of Genetically Modified Children,” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Feb 17, 2017.
Beyond Vattimo’s Christian Atheism and Girard’s Christianity-as-Religion-Destroyer: Toward the Axial Age and a Broader Theoclasm. Joint Conference Between the University of Chicago Divinity School and University of Notre Dame Theology Departments, Theology, Ethics, and the Death of God, at the University of Chicago, October 2016.
Human evolution and the single victim mechanism: Locating Girard’s Hominization Hypothesis through Literature Survey. The One By Whom Scandal Comes: Critically Engaging the Girardian Corpus, Colloquium on Violence and Religion, St. Louis University, July 2015.
Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands, The European Forum on Religion and the Environment, Conference: “Religion in the Anthropocene,” Munich, Germany, May 2015.
Three Films as Violence Exegetes, The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, Freising, Germany, July 2014.
Why I Think Protestantism Still Has a Public Future: A commentary on Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, American Sociological Association Meeting, Eastern University, Spring 2001.
Panelist: On Prison Education, Consortium on Catholic Higher Education in Prison and Jesuit Prison Education Network, University of Notre Dame, Oct 21, 2024.
4 part Lecture Series, “Journeying with Jesus,” IHM Sisters, Marywood University campus, Summer 2024.
Panelist, “Catholic Perspectives on Politics and Economics,” University of Scranton, Professor Matthew Meier, SJLA class; Feb 25th, 2019.
Why Love the Awful: on Catholicism, Camden, and Crisis; Windows on the World campus lecture series; Eastern University; Feb 15th, 2019.
Panelist w/ Professor of Political Science, Dr. Michael Desch, “The Pope and the Bomb,” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Dec 5th, 2017.
“Rust Belt Apocalypse and the Eucharist,” The Annual Cardinal Newman Lecture, Loyola University Chicago, March 23rd, 2017.
Respondent to Andrew McKenna’s “René Girard, Moral Injury, and Literary Knowledge,” at Loyola University’s Catholic Minds, Catholic Matters Lecture Series, Tues Nov 15th, 2016.
Lecture at Dr. William Cavanaugh’s classes, “Intro to Catholicism,” regarding their use of my book, DePaul University, May 2015.
“On loving a ruined city and a messy church,” Windows on the World Campus Lecture Series, Eastern University, PA. November, 2014.
Lecture at Dr. William Cavanaugh’s classes, “Intro to Catholicism,” regarding their use of my book, DePaul University, April 2014.
Campus-wide lecture on my book From Willow Creek to Sacred Heart, and my journey into Catholicism, Eastern University, Dec 4th, 2012.
The Intersection of Faith and Politics, Veritas Forum, University of New Hampshire, Oct 25th, 2012.
Four DePaul University Lectures organized by Dr. William Cavanaugh and Catholic Studies Department (including his “Intro to Catholicism” class, with my book [2012] assigned), Oct 9-11, 2012.
Plenary Lecture, “(C/c)atholicity and Empire” at Occupy Empire Conference: Anabaptism in God’s Mission, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, April 2012.
Two Plenary Lectures and two workshops, respectively, “Lessons of Faith from Camden,” “The Relevance of Irrelevance,” and “Practicing Resurrection amid Fake Resurrection and Devastation” (2), at World Mission Initiative Conference: “A Relevant Church in a Changing World,” Pittsburg Theological Seminary, March 2012.
“Bullets, Bad Theology, and Half-Decent Alternatives,” Renew and Remind Conference, Phillips Theological Seminary, Tulsa, OK, Jan 2012.
“Sustainable Community Development,” Week-long course, Creation Care Study Program, Belize, December 2011.
On the Ecological Destruction of Camden and a New-Monastic Response, “Lessons for servant leadership,” Chapel address and classes, McMurray University, TX, April 19th, 2011.
Convocation speech, Bluffton University, “On Gaining and Losing One’s Life: Lessons of Faith from America’s Most Dangerous City,” Aug 31, 2010.
Plenary lecture at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, Symposium on environmental action and living in Camden, Oct 22nd, 2009.
Lecture on urban decay, environmental racism, life in Camden, “charity,” and justice, delivered to all freshman Eastern University students, Sept 2009.
Lecture at Villanova Ethics Department Lectures, “Ethics for Lunch,” “Excommunication and Violence,” April, 22nd, 2009.
Lectures at Dr. Mark Graham’s two “Catholic Ethics” courses, Villanova University, in relation to their study of my book, April 1, 2009.
Co-Lecture with Shane Claiborne, On Christian Nonviolence, at The Veritas Forum, Harvard University Feb. 21st, 2009.
The Basic Ethics and Identity Latent in Christian Nonviolence, Neumann University, PA, Introduction to Ethics Course of Professor Mark Westmoreland, April 28th, 2009.
Lectures on “Various foundations of Christian ethical deliberation,” at Dr. Christopher Roberts’ Villanova Catholic Ethics classes, in relation to their study of my book, Feb. 2, 2009.
Two Lectures, “Renewing Our Minds: The Environmental Crisis is a Cultural Crisis”, Virginia Wesleyan University, Nov 11th, 2008.
Lecture delivered for the class of Dr. Gustavo Benavides, Villanova University History of Christianity Course, “Brief History of Ecclesial Renewal Movements,” Nov 4th, 2008.
Two lectures for the classes of Dr. Mark Doorley, Villanova Ethics Department Chair, “Foundations of Christians Ethics: Yoderian Insights,” in relation to their study of my book, Oct 30th, 2008.
Plenary Lecture on “Creation Theology,” Renewal Environmental Summit, Eastern University, Oct 17th, 2008.
Lectured on Christian Social Ethics at three undergraduate ethics classes for Dr. Christopher Roberts, Ethics department, Villanova University, Fall 2008.
Gordon College Symposium on “Radical Discipleship,” with Shane Claiborne, April 2004.
Research reading facility in German, French, Latin, and Spanish.
Invited Observer, Vatican Dicastery on Integral Human Development, “Perspectives Toward a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and Integral Human Development,” Vatican City, Rome, Nov 10-11, 2017
Responsibilities and Ethics in the Conduct of Research Training (“RCR & Ethics,” at Notre Dame University, 2014).
Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Training (2005), Camden Diocese, NJ.
“Faith and Political Theory: War, Peace, and Allegiance,” Waymart State Correctional Institution, Oct 28, 2024.
“Faith and Politics,” Diocese of Scranton Event, Theology on Tap, Sabatini’s Taphouse, Oct 10, 2024.
5 part Lecture Series, “Lent: an Introduction to Jesus,” St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish, South Scranton, Spring 2024.
Speaking the Unspeakable: On Negative, Apophatic Theology, Public lecture at State Correctional Institution, Waymart, PA, Aug 14, 2023.
Religion and Human Evolution: Two Theories, Public lectures at State Correctional Institution, Waymart, PA, Nov 17 and Dec 19, 2022.
Convener and panelist (with Provost Jeff Gingerich, Dr. Christie Karpiak, and Darryl Byer-Robinson, alum of the Bard Prison Initiative), “The University of Scranton Prison Education Program,” Moskovitz Theatre, April 20th, 2022.
Jesus for President Advent book study, 4 Synchronous Zoom and Facebook Live events, average 4,000 viewers. Nov-Dec, 2020.
Panelist, Catholics for Biden Northeast PA, public event, October 27, 2020.
Manresa Retreat Plenary Address, University of Scranton Student Retreat, Chapman Lake Retreat Center, Nov 18th, 2018.
Veterans Day Respondent, University of Scranton Veterans Day Luncheon, Nov 9th, 2018, DeNaples Hall, 407.
“Living Faith with Justice,” Our Lady of Guadalupe, San Diego, CA, A Faith that Does Justice Parish Group, Mar 7th, 2017.
Lecture on “Togetherness in a Time of Division,” Adult education forum at First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, IN. Feb 26th, 2017.
Lecture on, “Scapegoating, Our National Climate, and Spirituality,” at the Near Northwest Neighborhood and the Local Cup public venue, Feb 19th, 2017.
Lecture regarding Earth Day 2016. Adult education forum at First Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, IN. April 24th, 2016.
Keynote address, “Abraham and Sarah: Living Beyond Borders and Identities,” Pax Christi, NJ Assembly: A Future Covenant: Justice and Spirituality Convocation, Shrine of St. Joseph, Stirling, NJ, April 23rd, 2016.
Lecture at the Vorarlberg Diocese Center, Vorarlberg, Austria, on Neo-Monasticism in Camden, NJ. May 17th, 2015.
“Adventures in Loving a Tumultuous Church” (two lectures on my book), Sacred Heart Parish, San Diego, CA, May 17-18, 2013.
Lecture on New Monasticism for the retreat: “Entering the Transforming Future: Workshop/Retreat for Religious in the Anglican Tradition,” at Convent of St. John Baptist in Mendham, NJ, Nov 29th, 2012.
“Catholicism: A Critical Engagement,” An Alternative Seminary (Philadelphia) Five Session Course, Oct/Nov, 2012.
Public Midrash at The Simple Way, “To Vote or Not to Vote: On Theology and Political Engagement,” Nov 1st, 2012.
Romero Center, Camden, NJ, Urban Challenge Speaker: “On Cultivating Hope in Camden”. July, 2012.
Plenary Lecture, “Positive Mimesis, Camden, and Catholicism: How Girard Has Helped Tie Together My Experiments in New Monasticism” (or, “Christian Community Among Cultural Chaos”), Theology and Peace Conference, Baltimore, MD, June 2012.
Plenary Lecture, North American Episcopal Deans Conference, Denver, CO, April 2012.
“A Girardian Interpretation of the Mass,” Clarification of Ideas at Romero Center, Camden, NJ. Feb, 2012.
Alternative Seminary Course, Philadelphia: “Things Hidden since the foundation of the world: New Perspectives on Jesus’ Crucifixion, Apocalypse, and Anthropology.” 5 sessions, Fall 2011.
On Expanding One’s Self (into Camden), St. Paul’s School of Theology, Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, Historic St. George’s Methodist Church, June 6th, 2011.
The Anthropology of Easter: a Girardian interpretation of the Easter events. The Simple Way open mid-rash sessions. 2 weeks, April 2011.
On New Monasticism and community life in Camden, NJ, Fund For Theological Education Panel Discussion, Trinity Memorial Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, PA, Nov 13th, 2010.
On the Ecological Destruction of Camden and a New-Monastic Response, Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, St. George’s Methodist Church, June 2010.
Led a weekend retreat at Ezekiel’s Place retreat center (WV), three of four main sessions: Biblical Foundations For Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands; On Gaining and Losing One’s Life in Camden. Weekend forum titled “Simply Following Jesus Toward Community,” (May 2010).
Lecture for students studying my Jesus for President, at Cabrini College’s “Catholic Social Theory” course taught by Dr. Nicholas Rademacher, Mar 30, 2010.
Plenary lecture, “Identifying the Roots of our Crises and Acting to Serve,” Vincentian Volunteers Annual Conference, Denver, CO, Mar 2010.
Two plenary lectures, “Practicing Resurrection in Urban Wastelands” and “Ceasing and Continuing the Reformation, While Carrying on with the Sacred Work of Life,” at the Peace by Piece Conference (Searcy, AR), Feb 2010.
Spoke with Shane Claiborne at the Washington, DC Catholic Worker, “Clarification of Ideas,” on the politics of Christianity, December 4th,, 2009.
School for Conversion, Camden, NJ (hosted by my community, delivered two sessions on community life and Christian lifestyle habits), Nov 2009.
Amsterdam, Netherlands; Giessan, Germany; Basel, Switzerland: European book tour in conjunction with the German translation of JFP. Delivered several talks at each location.
Breakoff Session, “Theology of Eco-Justice,” at the Pax Christi Fall Gathering: “Renewing the Face of the Earth” at Sacred Heart Church, Camden, NJ, Oct 25, 2009.
“Spirituality and the Economy; Dismal Science and the Bread of Life,” Plenary lecture at the Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat, Camden, NJ, Oct 17th, 2009.
Two plenary talks at the UMC Youth Conference Council “The Big Event,” in Wayne, PA –on four major parts of discipleship to Jesus, Oct 3, 2009.
“Why I Moved to Camden and Live the Way I Do,” Youtheology Theological Pilgrimage Group, St. George’s Methodist Church, June 9th, 2009.
Lecture on “Ecclesiology and Economics,” Maidencreek Church’s (Kutztown, PA) Theology on Tap, May 12, 2009.
Plenary lecture at “Baltimore Green Week,” Hosted by the Episcopalian Diocese of Baltimore at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, April 25th, 2009.
Address to plenary assembly at the Academy of Notre Dame de Namur, Villanova, PA, “On the Love of Enemies and Holy Week,” April 6th, 2009.
Lecture on “Dismal Science and the Bread of Life: Theological Reflections on ‘Our Way of Life’,” Manayunk’s Theology on Tap, Mar 26, 2009.
Plenary Talk at The Original Event conference, hosted by Mission Year, Houston TX, March 20th, 2009.
Lecture on Creation Theology at The Adult Forum, Christ Episcopalian Church, Media, PA, Nov 17th, 2008.
Villanova Falvey Library Lecture Series, “Politics of Radical Christianity: Jesus for President Presentation,” with Shane Claiborne and Psalters Musicians (Oct, 29th, 2008).
Plenary Lecture “On the Christian Political Imagination,” at Regional Presbyterian Gathering, hosted by Church on the Mall, Plymouth Meeting, PA, Oct. 28th, 2008.
Plenary Talk, Sacred Heart Men’s Retreat, “On Being a Christian Man Today” October 18th, 2008.
Led a Day Retreat for St. Anthony of Padua Parish Council, “On Ecclesiology for Camden,” Aug 9, 2008.
21 city speaking tour, “Jesus for President,” (also w/ Shane Claiborne and musicians Psalters), Summer 2008.
Alternative Seminary Philadelphia, Taught Four Week Course, on the Content of Jesus for President, with Shane Claiborne (Will O’Brien as seminary coordinator), May 2008.
“Identity and Violence,” Seminar Lecture, Sacred Heart Annual Peace Conference, Feb. 2008.
Plenary Address, Panel Discussion and Break Off Session: “Practicing Resurrection (and Sociological Consciousness and Judeo-Christian identity) in Urban Wastelands,” Sustainable Faith: Emergent conference Feb. 2008.
Cynicism and Hope conference: Reclaiming Discipleship in a Postdemocratic Society, Reba Place Mennonite Fellowship, Chicago, IL. Seminar on the lessons to learn from mistakes in community living, Nov 2007.
St. Stephens Episcopal Church, Richmond, VA. Rector’s Forum and Young Adults Forum. Taught on New Monasticism and Christian History, October 2007.
Intervarsity Philadelphia “Gateway”. Lectured with Cassie (my wife), on the ecological and ethical dilemmas in a complex world, July 2007.
Bread for the World: Sowing Seeds Growing a Movement. “Be the Change You Want to See” dinner lecture. And “Living Justice in the Day to Day” lecture. Washington, DC, June 2007.
Mission Year City Wide Gathering. “Jesus for President” Lecture on the Christian Political Imagination, with Shane Claiborne, June 2007.
New Monasticism School for Conversion. Various sessions. Camden Houses, Simple Way, May 2007.
“Practicing Resurrection in Industrial Wastelands,” Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) Annual Gathering. Break-off Session Lecture. Philadelphia September 2006.
New Monasticism Gathering. Spoke with Cassie on the tenants of the Camden House and how it relates to New Monastic principles. Hosted by Mustard Seed Associates and Fremont Abbey in Seattle, WA (April 2006).
Seattle Pacific University College Alternative Chapel “Group.” Spoke on some basic connections of ecology and Christianity through my story with Camden, April 2006.
Urban Renaissance Conference (Nazarene), Philadelphia. Emerging Urban Ministries. Panel Discussion with Brian Postlewait (April 2006).
“Urban Youth Workers Institute: Reload,” Philadelphia. Seminar with Shane Claiborne, March 2006.
National Pastors Convention, Seminar Lectures on Ecclesiology and Politics, with Shane Claiborne, San Diego, CA, February 2006.
Community Action and New Monasticism, Upper Room Church Gathering, Minneapolis, MN, with Shane Claiborne, January 2006.
Intervarsity Gathering, Northwestern University, Chicago, Lectures with Shane Claiborne, October 2005.
CCDA Atlanta, Seminar with Shane Claiborne on “Jesus is my President,” October 2004.
Urban Promise Work Groups, Seven Theological Exercise Sessions, Summer 2004.
Break-off session, “The Green Gospel,” Seventh-Day Adventist Conference “Re: Church” on Social Justice, July 2004.
New Monasticism Panel on Ecological Challenges for the Church today, with Steven Bouma-Prediger, Norman Wirzba, and Sherrie Steiner. Spoke on New, economic consumption- and market-ethic, June 2004.
City Lights Church in Manhattan, Sermon on ecological ethics and stewardship, June 2004.
Ethics in the face of Domitian. Right of Christian Initiation for Adults, St. Peter Celestine Catholic Church, May 2004, 2005.
“Ecology and the Life of the Church,” break off session. Emergent Convention, San Diego, March 2004.
Urban Promise Intern Training: The Church as a new Body-politic, December 2003.
Prayer Around the Cross: Sacred Heart Catholic Church, September 2003.
Sermon on earth-affirming eschatology, West Philadelphia Mennonite Church, May, 2003.
Panelist, Eastern University Panel Debate on the War on Iraq: Four students on the panel (2 pro-war, 2 con). I took con side with Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, May 2003.
“Homily on Hebrews 13:3: on compassion and poverty,” Chapel Service at Eastern University, October 2002
The sacred pathway of simplicity, Christ’s Church Wrigleyville Chicago, July 2002.
Interview with Tim Whitaker on the Coffee, Theology, and Jesus podcast, Nov 25, 2020.
“Mimetic Insights with Chris Haw,” a produced set of interviews with the Raven Foundation, Summer 2020,
Rescued firehouse breathes life into Camden arts, June 14, 2016.
Cited in: Budde, Michael, Borders of Baptism: Identities, Allegiance, and the Church (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011), p. 105.
Cited in: Samson, Will, "The New Monasticism" in, Brian Steensland, Philip Goff, ed. The New Evangelical Social Engagement (Oxford University Press, 2014), p. 97.
Cited in: Jones, Toby, The Way of Jesus: Re-Forming Spiritual Communities in a Post-Church Age (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2010), p 103, passim.
“Die Kir(s)che auf dem Eisbecher?,” in Voralberger KirchenBlatt, Mar 21, 2015. Coverage on my book presentation before Church leaders at the diocese of Voralberg, Austria.
“The New Young Catholics.” Braune, Joan (March 23, 2015) America 212 (10). p. 36.
“On the ground: an Arts Oasis Blooms in Waterfront South,” interview with Tara Nurin, July 16th, 2013.
America Magazine, Podcast Interview, Feb 11, 2013,
CatholicTV, “This is the Day” show, Jan 18th, 2013.
“Why We Eat Together,” An Interview with Work of the People Media: A Project of The Awakening of Hope (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2012) by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
Radio Interview with the Raven Foundation, regarding a Girardian interpretation of my book. Dec 13th, 2012.
In studio interview with “Red Letter Christian” television show, Nashville, with Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne, Nov 29th, 2012.
Chicago Tribune print edition, Printer’s Row Journal section, Interview, Nov 27th, 2012. Brachear, Manya A. (November 24, 2012). "A Catholic Homecoming: Chris Haw Explores His Journey from Evangelicalism Back to Catholicism."
Live video interview with, Nov 19th, 2012.
Radio interview with Radio Maria, Oct 2012.
Radio interview with XM Radio, Catholic Station: Busted Halo, Oct 19th, 2012.
Radio interview about Jesus for President on WMUX, Bob Dutko Show, April 27th, 2012.
Radio interview about Jesus for President on WDCX, LifeLine Radio, March 20th, 2012.
Interview featured in National Catholic Reporter, “A Place for Renegades,” Tom Roberts (Dec 22, 2009)
A Conversation with Father Michael Doyle, National Catholic Reporter, Dec 8, 2009.
Interview featured in Catholic Star Herald (Philadelphia/South Jersey) (Feb. 13th, 2009).
Featured in Relevant Magazine, cover article, interviewed by Adam Smith, Cover: “How to Vote without Losing your Soul”; Article: “In the Booth, Not of the Booth” (Sept 2008).
Cited in: Rogers, Robin and Peter Heltzel, “The New Evangelical Politics,” Society, 2008, Vol.45(5), pp.412-414.
Featured in documentary The Ordinary Radicals, Directed by Jamie Moffett (Fall 2008).
Interviewed by Dr. Lee Camp, with Shane Claiborne on “Tokens”, a series on the Politics of Jesus. ( (September 2008).
Interviewed live on “Christian Premiere Radio” (UK) and with CNN (“Young Evangelicals…”), Al Jazeera, CBS, FOX News, Atlanta Daily Journal (Spring/Summer 2008).
Following Jesus for President release: Sojourners book review by Cara Boekolo (March/April 2008), U.S. Catholic, Interviewed for Leadership Magazine, Charisma magazine, Dayton Daily News, The Huffington Post, Open House (Australian Radio Show by Sheridan Voysey), Out of Ur (Books and Culture reviewer). My book is regarded as idiotic by Christopher Hitchens at Slate Magazine, consider it a compliment, Named “book of the year” by Tony Campolo.
Josh Anderson, “Circus for Christ: the ‘New Monastics’ Look for Ways to Be in the World and Not of It,” Sojourners, Jan 2007.
Rob Moll, “The New Monasticism,” Christianity Today, August 2004 print; Sept 2, 2005 online.
Catechist, Lector, and Eucharistic Minister at St. John Neumann parish, Scranton, PA (2019-present)
Lead volunteer carpenter for the community-lead, pay-what-you-can café, The Local Cup in South Bend’s Near Northwest Neighborhood, building a reclaimed wood coffee shop (Summer 2015).
Center for Youth and Family Services New Jersey, STEP Program Mentor and job training for incarcerated or endangered youth (Spring 2012-Summer 2013).
Sacred Heart Camden, NJ, Parish RCIA catechist (2011-2013)
Sacred Heart Camden Parish Confirmation Instructor (2010-2012).
Altar acolyte (2009) and Lector (2012), Sacred Heart Camden.
Co-lead campus-wide movement to make Eastern University the first Christian University to convert to 100% wind energy consumption (2002).